Review | Soap and Glory 'The Fab Pore' Hot Cloth Cleanser

7 Feb 2013

"You could be one wash away from an amazing face" they state on the pretty cardboard packaging. Really, was I meant to be able to resist that? Also, to help justify the purchase, I originally wanted to try the famed Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish, but at £25 for a full size bottle I decided to test out hot cloth cleansers at a more purse friendly price of £10. Although, technically I paid nothing as I used my Boot's points card!

Justified purchase? I'm going to hope you've all agreed :)

The whole beauty world seems enamoured with hot cloth cleansers and I had been wanting to try them for quite a while, so when I saw this in Boots I thought it was the perfect opportunity to go for it! The cleanser is a good size, and comes with a really soft muslin cloth so for £10 I was quite impressed. As with all Soap and Glory products the signature scent of the product is really lovely.

The cleanser is a '3-in-1 concentrated deep purifying formula' which you massage into your face targeting problem areas like your chin, nose and forehead. To achieve the best results, they state to leave the cleanser on for a minute or so (I brush my teeth whilst I'm waiting) and then wash it off with the warm cloth. It immediately leaves your face feeling tight, which I quite enjoy as I really feel like the product is working! After a few minutes my face is then left really super soft and lovely. After about 2 weeks of daily use I really have noticed a difference and my face feels a lot healthier and looks a lot clearer. You only need a tiny splodge (technical Soap and Glory term there!) for each application so the product really does last ages too.

I really enjoy the whole premise of using a hot cloth to cleanse your face as its really refreshing and I look forward to it each evening. I definitely think I will try the Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish soon, but for now the Soap and Glory version suits me just fine :)

Have any of you tried either of the cleansers? Let me know if you've had luck with either :)



  1. I love hot cloth cleansers! Didn't know Soap and Glory did one - definitely checking this out!

  2. I literally saw this in Boots today and I wasn't sure whether to buy it or not because I didn't really no anything about it, but now I shall be buying this as soon as its payday :).. I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award, please look at my blog post for more information and what you have to do ..

    Rebecca xo

  3. Sounds like a great product! I've never tried out a hot cloth cleanser but they sound very purifying!

    Steph // fun size beauty

  4. Great pictures! You have been nominated for the liebster blog award! More info on my blog x

  5. This has definitely made me want to go out and get this as the review is really helpful and gives just enough detail, thank you! x
